Friday, February 4, 2011

Finding the light in the dark

(Me & my Beasley bear... Both puppies.. haha I was 16 here... I'm 21 now.. :) He always makes me smile.. <3)
Do you ever feel like all hopes & dreams are lost?

      As a child we see the endless possibilities in our future. A child might dream of becoming an actress, but not all of the hard work it would take to become successful. As an adult we see the stress before the dream. We get so caught up in the "wrongs" we can't see the "right" even if it hit us square in the forehead. So the next time you tell yourself you are incapable of your dream remember the joy you once had visualizing what it would be like to live the impossible.

  Sometimes without intentionally knowing it we become our own worst enemy. For example... our own judgments of ourselves is worse than anybody elses, yet we continue to fuel ourselves with negative thoughts. You know that saying "Treat others how you would want to be treated"... The same goes for your own being! Treat yourself like you deserve to be treated.  Don't wait to be treated like a princess, but instead treat yourself like one. I'm not saying go out and spend lots of money on diamonds or clothing, but see all of the good in you and be grateful for the blessings in your life daily. The more we see the positive the more the negative things will diminish. The reality is our mind is an incredibly powerful tool. Think about where you are in life at this time... Are you happy, sad, or even stressed? What would you like to change? What could be better? What could be worse? Do you know that "where you are today your mind put you there?" Say it out loud "Where I' am today is where my mind put me!" Don't be afraid of that quote, but instead look at your life and realize that anything that is wrong is capable of becoming more than "right" but perhaps even great! Use the most powerful and free tool we are all born with... Your mind. To make the most meaningful transition in your life... YOU MUST live and breathe greatness in everything thing you do. It doesn't matter how old you are or how bad the circumstances in your life maybe. As long as you are alive your life is up to you?  What you will do with it is up to your mind... so one small step by changing your outlook can and Will change your life.

We were all born into this world the same way with endless possibilities. It is only up to each person to decide their chosen path!


I hope in some small way this will encourage & help keep hope & love in your heart <3

Be bold &be brave

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