Sunday, February 6, 2011

“Misery loves company”

From my colorful wittle (well actually its big haha) heart to yours!

Part 1

                       I’ve met so many difficult people in my life. These are people who choose to use words that haunt and echo in your mind for long periods of time. Sometimes they may even be in your own family. We all face adversity in our lives and these challenges can bring about the best of wisdom. Use any negative person that has imprinted your life as an example of what not to be. Find laughter in that experience… don’t hold it in your heart. When we allow these negative people to get the best of us they win. They get what they want… to hurt and create more potential damage in the world.

                 You’re probably thinking of some one in your life that is in your current path or has played the role of a naysayer. These naysayers have been squashed, beat up, pushed around and even run over with trouble. Their negative actions or attitudes are really a cry for help. They are so broken, wounded, and depressed they want to share some of that pity with you!  So next time you find yourself crossing paths with a person so ready to attack say NO THANK YOU! Don’t encourage them, but instead share your love and laughter with someone that needs it more than you do! You can choose to be the better person in any situation!

                  Sometimes when we find our life at a dead end it is so much easier to spread around more pain and anger than to say “ok, what can I do to fix this” “What can I do to make my path again?” Sometimes we have to dig and dig and dig until we find a solution. You know what? A solution is always available! But in the middle of struggle we are blind. Sometimes we fill our mind with even more negativity we throw away a hopeful and positive outlook. We will never march through chaos smiling. Well unless of course we needed the help of a well skilled psychiatrist. Haha What we can do is sweep up all the illusion of being trapped and find our way out. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY OUT! There is always hope. If you are breathing and have a beating heart then you are alive. You can choose to find hope in yourself. If everything is wrong in your life you are never alone because YOU will always be there. If everyone has failed YOU choose to find the hero and survival with in YOU! YOU DON’T HAVE TO FAIL AND YOU CAN CHOOSE TO BE THE LEADER OF YOUR OWN LIGHT & LIFE!


                     I find inspiration in many people and many things. As a person who has studied art, participates in art and lives and breaths to find a unique & creative spark in anything… life becomes art. Today I found that spark in the Super bowl. It sounds a bit silly at first.. You’re probably think Drisana um ok…We all watched it and didn’t feel that spark... Ok… let’s unfold what I hope will help you feel ignited and enlightened.

                       In each of our lives we must play our life cards right to see the winning victory! We can choose to watch other people win and our lives pass us by or we can visualize what we want and not take no for an answer. So if you feel like some people are born to be better than others remember the same theory that everyone is born the same way.  Stop putting people above yourself and realize the glory you have!

                  On a solid football team the goal is to win. They will fight, get injured, bleed, sweat, and if they are in touch with their emotions they could perhaps cry. ; )  Haha Of course they WILL CRY! The game is their love, their life, and winning is in their hearts. Think of the team as you, the ball as the obstacle (the other team is fighting for the same goal) & YOU CAN SEE YOUR VICTORY! YOU WANT TO WIN! When life throws a curve ball at you (Baseball haha I know)… YOU GET TO DECIDE IF YOU ARE TOUGH ENOUGH TO KEEP PLAYING/GOING.  Do you make a touch down or a touch back? Ok that last one didn’t make sense… haha But in other words do you keep going or do you throw in the towel? = )


                    This year Green Bay won the Victory title. The have come a long way and faced many challenges. They kept going and no matter what giving up wasn’t an option.  To be a winner is NOT EASY, but you can have the title.

You are going to make more than just a few touchdowns in your life… YOU ARE GOING TO WIN!

Don’t forget to encourage others along your journey. Some may not know how wonderful they are and can be…

May love outshine any hate,

Be as brave & as bold as you know you ARE!

Until next time



Oh, if you want you can always re-read or share this blog with some one who may be interested or could use a little pat on the back. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR READING my blog IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME! I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS, stories & ENCOURAGEMENT! XoxO

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