Saturday, February 5, 2011

My small leap


        I just wanted to say thank you all so much for reading my blog! It has jumped quite a few views since I started it last year. I feel so tremendously honored that people like to read thoughts from my heart! I know I’m a ‘sappy sally’ but an enormously happy one at that! Even if you don’t follow, but read this thank you!!!! =] Since I was a little girl I’ve kept a treasured diary & would write my feeling out on paper. This was very therapeutic to me and made me feel so much stronger. My diary entries felt so personal at that time… to share would have been embarrassing. Haha …These entries were just words of encouragement for me to keep strength, laughter, and joy a possibility at times when I didn’t know what to do. We live in a world where people are constantly trying to be one step ahead of each other. Always trying to be prettier, thinner, smarter, more talented, but this is a silly waste of energy and potential power that could change so many lives. We all have a unique brilliance that we must find with in ourselves. When we find that glory with in our heart we want to share instead of compete. This is what makes a person so mighty and influential. The moment we find competition in each other is the moment we let go of greatness. That very greatness could make all of the difference and necessary changes in this world.
    I use to feel like pouring my heart and soul into my writing was embarrassing, but I wanted to share my voice. As a teacher once told me “we all have a story, but if we don’t tell it someone else will.” Even if my purpose is to encourage one human being that needs a smile… I’m willing to blog for years until they see my message. Writing is so powerful. Our words are like letters in stone and live on as our legacy.  In writing we can touch the hearts of future generations to come even after we are long gone. We must live each day making a positive impact on someone else. People who are remembered are those that lived with in their purpose. People who choose to live a negative life will be long forgotten. So look within yourself to find your beautiful purpose. When you find it not only will you feel your best… YOU WILL BE YOUR BEST!

       If you find yourself competing with others to be your best you have not found your purpose. You will only be sabotaging progress to a happy and meaningful life.

   Each and every singe person in this world has a purpose!

   This blog is so fun to write & I hope you feel the warmth and light with in my heart and words in each post!

From my little adventurous heart to yours,

Be brave & bold



“You must be the change you wish to see in this world”    


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