Friday, February 11, 2011

When We Journey down a road that has a fork


             I imagine where my blog can go, who will read it, and who has read it that I may not know. The truth is we never really know. When we know what is in our hearts the rest can only evolve with time. When we do something that we love if it is in our hearts then it is right thing to do. Since I can remember my heart has wanted to reach out. I always knew that I would one day share my voice. The more experiences in life that I have overcome the more I developed an understanding. This has helped me in many ways I never imagined. At certain times in my life I never knew one day I would be so thankful and appreciative of each fork in the road. Some people hold on to those times in their lives that were tough and never learn to grow above and beyond. This is how we become an enemy to ourselves. To think badly of ourselves is just like allowing someone else to abuse you. Be your own personal life coach (that sounds silly but think of it in that way) and encourage yourself instead of discouraging yourself. We can spend so much time focusing on the bad in ourselves we forget what is so great.

I'm not a Buddhist in any way, but I'm fascinated by their loving words. Their words seem to give me a serene environment and hopeful outlook when I read their wisdom.
"Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much
as your own unguarded thoughts."

Sometimes we need ourselves more than anybody else. To dust ourselves off and look straight ahead with hope and persistence.

I've seen so many girls dart into a relationship hoping it will fill that emptiness they have inside. They end up getting hurt, squashed, and stomped on because they weren't ready for a real relationship or often they will stay with a person who treats them badly. The reality is when we are 100 % content within ourselves that's when a real relationship will show up in your life. Why? Because it wont matter either way. You won't depend on it and that's when an admirable person will enter your life. The worst that can happen is you will be stuck with you! I always tell that to my friends when they lose hope in MR. RIGHT then I say  How terrible right? (that' me being sarcastic & silly =]) I'd much rather hear those words then "THE RIGHT GUY IS OUT THERE FOR YOU" hahaha  When you work on you... You already have a wonderful bond with the most amazing person in your life. Wouldn't you much rather enter a relationship already 100 % than expecting 100%? A person can only care for you as much as you are willing to care for you. So don't wish for someone to love you, but start right now & learn to love yourself.

The more we care for ourselves the less negativity we have. The negativity we see in others is often the negative things in ourselves that we don't like.

      I wanted to write a bit about love since so many individuals get the wrong idea about Valentines Day. =) I think its a bit silly when people get upset that they don't have a Valentine. It's more than just about boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands or wives, its about caring about people in your life... Remember those little cards you use to hand out to your friends in grade school or even High School if you were a Nerd like my good friend Mary? ah haha Love you Mary! =) Don't waste a wonderful day because you don't think you have a VALENTINE! Honor those that have made your life even better.  Do something great for yourself that day too! You can even be my sweet little Valentine for reading my bloggy! hehe Valentines day can be even more spectacular by just being extra kind to anyone you meet that day! =) I want Beasley Eugene Franklyn (Chubby Dog) to be my Valentine. We are going to cuddle

I remember entering 2010 with a nonchalance and the idea that fun would eventually come. I hadn't become too adventurous yet. I didn't know where I was going, I didn't care that I was single, and I'd never been to a bar or club or even think that I would ever in a million years. I just wanted to focus on school. That was it. Then once upon early February when a boy with the most marvelous green eyes and a smile for me offered me help at school. I was so annoyed that he was all I could think of. With his wavy dark blonde hair and kind hearted energy he was everything I imagined the perfect boy would be. I've still never seen eyes as striking and intimidating as his. With classes coincidentally down the hall from each other we would bump into each other from time to time. He was so cute and eager to be kind. Eventually the class that I was taking I had to drop due to a very difficult teacher. I've had some of the most amazing teachers, but every now and then you find one that fills your life with unwanted stress just because they can. So I took charge and took the stress out of my life. I would much rather have a teacher that understands instead of demands. haha Anyway I was so sad that I didn't have a reason to pass by my adorable new boy toy. Then I decided I would do my homework in the area hoping that he would pass by so we could have our little chit chat. It didn't happen...
      Then about a month later when I'd given up me and my good friend were hanging around campus when all of a sudden he appeared in the distance. I remember feeling like a car accident took place in my stomach. I thought everything physically looked about right when my friend asked me what's was wrong? I told her who he was and she was like "GO, SAY HI." She was so eager and excited. I had a choice to take a chance or save it for next time. The minute we find a reason not to do something we can't. We can even block out our dream man. hahaha I remember telling her "he's with his friends I don't want to interfere" that was an excuse. I told myself that I would have another chance.  I put that little beautiful perfect opportunity in my head and said next time. Do you know what happened next? A beautiful perfect... NOTHING! haha =) Sometimes in life fate give us that perfect opportunity that only occurs once. We must be ready for the unexpected for the unexpected can give us the perfect chance to succeed in anything.

    Who knows maybe someday we will meet again. Its a small world and stranger things have happened. Right now I'm so focused on where this year is going to take me to be single or taken doesn't matter. I do my best for me.

2010 turned out to be the best year of my life. I met so many incredible people who changed my life. Some of these people were even strangers who said the right thing at the right time. & yes because I know someone will wonder if there were other men in my life... The answer is Yes. Currently? No. ah haha but I'm always ok because I feel like I shine on my own.  At the end of my life I want to be able to say I did everything I feared for I' am truly a fearless girl.

I started 2011 with a much different idea of how this year would be. Right now God is probably saying "Drisana, be patient.. You have no idea where this road is going to take you." I have the best kind of endurance fueled by hope & faith. The truth is I have no idea where the journey of 2011 may take me, who I will meet, how many people I will make smile & feel appreciated, or even who may come across this blog! Cheers to a journey together!

Until our kindred lil' souls meet again, =)

Be brave & bold

-Drisana XoxO

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